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How To Keep Wild Animals Out Of Your Yard

Do you experience regular visits from wild animals? There's nothing quite like the sight of wild animals roaming around in your backyard. Unfortunately, they can also cause a lot of damage and leave behind a mess. In this article, we will discuss some tips on keeping wild animals out of your yard. With a bit of effort, you can ensure that these creatures stay away from your property and keep your yard looking neat and tidy. Let's get straight to the list.

Use Nets to Trap Birds

If you have a lot of birds visiting your yard, you can make use of nets to trap them. You can easily use a catch net for birds to trap them and release them far away from your property. This is a great way to get rid of birds without harming them. Setting up this is very simple. Set up the net in an area where the birds usually congregate and wait for them to get caught.

However, it would be best to choose the right nets to trap different kinds of birds. For instance, you will need a smaller net to trap sparrows and a larger one to catch crows. You can even use a net with mesh holes that are big enough for the bird's body to pass through but small enough so that their wings get stuck. This way, you can let the bird go without harming it.

Install a Fence

One of the most effective ways to keep wild animals out of your yard is to install a fence. This will create a physical barrier between your property and the outside world, making it harder for animals to get in. Of course, the type of fence you'll need will depend on the kind of animals you're trying to keep out.

For example, if you're trying to keep deer out, you'll need a tall fence at least eight feet high. A three-foot-tall wire fence will suffice if you're trying to keep smaller animals like rabbits and groundhogs out. No matter what type of fence you choose, make sure that it's in good repair and that there are no gaps or holes that animals can squeeze through.

Use Chemical Repellents

Another way to keep wild animals out of your yard is to use chemical repellents. These are substances that will deter animals from entering your property. You can use several different chemicals, including ammonia, mothballs, and chili peppers.

To use these repellents, sprinkle them around the perimeter of your property. You can also put them in small bags and hang them from trees or bushes. The key is to make sure that the animals come into contact with the repellent to deter them from entering your yard.

Build Raised Garden Beds

If you have a garden, one way to keep animals out is to build raised garden beds. This will make it harder for animals to dig up your plants and eat them. To build a raised bed, choose a spot in your yard and mark off the area with stakes. Then, use boards or stones to create walls around the bed's perimeter.

Fill the bed with soil, and then plant your seeds or seedlings. Once the plants grow, they will provide additional protection against animals. You can also put a wire fence around the bed's perimeter to keep larger animals out.

Use Homemade Repellents

There are several different recipes for homemade repellents that you can use to keep animals out of your yard. These repellents usually contain ingredients like garlic, onions, and chili peppers, which deter animals with their strong smells. To make a homemade repellent, chop up the ingredients and mix them in a bowl. Then, sprinkle the mixture around the perimeter of your property. You can also put them in small bags and hang them from trees or bushes.

You can also plant repellent plants around the perimeter of your yard. Some repellent plants include garlic, onions, chili peppers, and lemongrass. These plants will deter animals with their strong smells.

Remove Trash From Your Yard

Another way to keep animals out of your yard is to remove any trash or food scraps. This will make your property less attractive to animals, as they will have nothing to eat. Put all of your trash in a sealed garbage can and make sure that it's emptied regularly. You should also pick up any fallen fruit from trees or bushes.

In addition, you should make sure that your pet's food is not left out overnight. If you have a bird feeder, you should also take it down when it's not in use. By removing these food sources, you will make it less likely for animals to visit your yard.

There are several different ways to keep wild animals out of your yard. By installing a fence, using chemical repellents, and removing food sources, you will make your property less attractive to animals. You can also plant repellent plants around the perimeter of your yard to deter them from their strong smells. By taking these steps, you can keep your yard animal-free.

Instead, you can fill your property with adorable "animals" by making animal amigurumi! ;)