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Forming New Habits And Getting Them To Stick With This Helpful Guide

Improving our lifestyle can feel like a distant dream at times. A goal that seems unattainable, one that we wish we could accomplish. Changing habits and forming new ones can be a challenge. Many have tried to make positive changes and have been unsuccessful in their mission.

However, it is not an impossible task. Whilst there have been those unable to form new habits in their lives, on the other hand, there are those who have achieved success. A key tactic to achieve this goal is through the methods used to form new habits and ensure that you stick to them.

One issue some might have is identifying habits that they need to break. Of course, there are plenty of habits that are worth breaking and replacing with new ones. These are just a handful of old habits worth reconsidering.

No More Tardiness

Being punctual comes naturally to some. Although many of us would not intentionally turn up to work, an appointment, meeting with friends or an event late, it does happen. In some cases, there are external factors that contribute to our lateness, such as traffic or delay in waiting for transport. However, there are moments in which we could have planned our time better and, as a result, we find ourselves rushing and turning up late.

Being late can be stressful, especially if attending a meeting or appointment. For those we have planned to meet, it can be seen as disrespectful. Understandably, squashing this habit and aiming to be punctual and turning it into a habit is a goal many of us would love to accomplish. After implementing strategies to improve your time management, such as planning your day, you might notice how much time you have available and find yourself being more productive.

The End Of Cigarettes

One of the most popular habits to try and break is smoking cigarettes. For decades, many have tried to give up smoking and have been unsuccessful. However, not all hope is lost, as there have been individuals who were successful in quitting. Everyone will have their own reasons for quitting. A common reason is to break the habit to help them improve their health. After a person quits, they will likely experience withdrawal symptoms. These can sometimes cause people to revert back to old habits.

To help them with satisfying these cravings, some choose to switch to vape pens and elf bars. This switch has helped them to limit their nicotine intake whilst satisfying cravings. Gradually, they find themselves reaching less for a cigarette. Trying this switch should be something to consider. Whether you switch to a vape pen or elf bar, a site like Grey Haze can provide you with a vast selection of choices. You can choose your vape pen or elf bar to help you move off from smoking cigarettes.

Avoid Urge To Procrastinate

Another bad habit many of us are likely guilty of is procrastinating. Similar to being late, procrastinating is not an intentional task for some. Instead, some procrastinate on a task at hand to help ease any stressful feelings about their workload or how many tasks they need to complete. Delaying completing them helps to offer a little relief. However, as you might know, if you have procrastinated, this relief is temporary. The tasks you have delayed doing will need to be completed at some point. There are moments when the delay has caused the list of tasks to complete to grow longer. As such, whilst it might have offered a feeling of relief to begin with, procrastinating can make things a little more stressful in the long term.

Understandably, this is a habit that many would love to break. Identifying the reasons for your procrastinating is one way to help you move one step closer to breaking this habit. Another could be improving how you manage your time, which could have a positive domino effect on whether or not you procrastinate on a task. Implementing any strategies to help break an old habit could be beneficial in your goal to set new and better habits for yourself.

Making New Habits Stick

These are some of the most common habits people aim to break. Identifying these bad habits and wanting to replace them with better, sometimes healthier ones is the first step. The next is finding ways to help make new habits stick. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to help make a new habit stick. Keep reading to find out more.

Start With Small Steps

Diving head first and making drastic changes is one way to try and implement new habits into your lifestyle. Doing this, however, will likely not get you as far as you hoped. Instead, you might find that implementing a drastic change in your life so suddenly is too overwhelming. As a result, you may quickly revert to old habits. After reverting back, you might find it difficult to make these changes again.

Instead of jumping straight in, consider starting with small steps. For instance, if you plan to exercise more, start by going to the gym or taking a long walk once or twice a week. Set yourself a time for how long you plan to spend at the gym or how long your walk will be. Gradually, you can make your walk longer or spend an extra 10 minutes at the gym. From there, you might add another day at the gym or go on a walk. This slow incline will help to make these new habits stick as you implement them in more manageable sizes.

Join Forces With A Companion

Finding and implementing new habits does not have to be a solo mission. You likely have a close friend or family member who is also in the same position as you. They might want to improve their lives by replacing old habits with newer ones that can benefit them. If you have someone who wants to form new habits, consider joining forces.

Having this bond with someone who shares the same goal can benefit both of you. You can motivate each other, hold one another accountable and even create a little healthy competition to fuel the fire for success. Additionally, forming a new habit alongside someone helps to make the experience less lonely. Instead, it provides you both with someone to lean on for support.

Trust The Process

Patience is key – especially when forming new habits. Since we have become so reliant on having things happen in an instant, such as accessing information, our patience has dwindled. As we set new habits, it can easily become frustrating not to notice improvement immediately. This is why it is important to trust the process. Remain consistent and use some of the other techniques mentioned to help a new habit stick. While it might take time, the results will gradually become noticeable.

For example, if your new habit was to exercise more, you might notice a slight improvement in your strength or how long you are able to run after weeks of continuously exercising. This improvement will take time before you notice it. However, when you do, it can be a massive motivating factor to push forward and continue maintaining this new habit. This is a result of trusting the process.

Enjoy The New Chapter

Being patient with the process and allowing the results to set in naturally, you will soon notice the benefits. When implementing these new habits, being consistent is key. It keeps the momentum going and reduces the risk of slipping back into old ways. As these new habits begin to stick, you can enjoy the next chapter of your life. Hopefully, it will be a little better and healthier than the last.