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Calisthenics Exercises That Will Improve Your Shoulder Strength

Are you looking for an efficient and effective way to improve your shoulder strength? Calisthenics exercises are the perfect solution, as they can help you build muscle without expensive equipment or gyms. From variations of push-ups to dips and pull-ups, this article will provide you with a variety of calisthenics exercises that will help strengthen your shoulders. Let’s get started!

1. Planche lean

The planche lean is a great calisthenic exercise that will help you build shoulder strength. To do this exercise, begin in an upright position with your arms extended outward. Then, slowly lower yourself until your arms are parallel to the floor while keeping your body and legs straight. Hold this position for as long as possible and then return to the starting position. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of your shoulder girdle and your upper back. Also, planche lean will help you improve your balance and stability. It may take some practice to master this exercise, but with regular practice, your shoulder strength will improve over time.

2. Handstand push-ups

Handstand push-ups are another great calisthenics exercise that can help you increase shoulder strength. To perform this exercise, start by standing against a wall or other stable surface with your feet about hip-width apart and placed firmly against the wall. Reach up and place your palms on the wall, keeping your arms shoulder-width apart. Then, slowly lower your body until your head touches the ground, using your shoulder strength to hold yourself up. Return to the starting position by pushing off of the ground with your hands and feet simultaneously. This exercise is great for strengthening not only the shoulders but also other muscles in the upper body like the triceps, chest, and core muscles.

3. Wall climbs

Wall climbs are another excellent calisthenic exercise for improving shoulder strength. To do this exercise, start by standing tall with your back against a wall and reach both arms straight up as high as you can above your head while gripping onto the wall with your fingertips. Then, slowly start to walk your hands up the wall as you do a crunching motion. Go as far up the wall as is comfortable and then slowly lower yourself back down. This exercise works multiple muscles in the upper body like the shoulders, triceps, chest, and core muscles. It’s an excellent exercise for improving shoulder strength and stability.

4. Dips

Dips are another great calisthenics exercise that can help you strengthen your shoulders effectively and efficiently. To do this exercise correctly, start by sitting on a chair with your feet flat on the floor and your arms extended straight out from your sides with palms facing away from your body. Then, lift yourself off of the chair using only the strength of your shoulder muscles and hold yourself in an upright position for as long as possible. Lower yourself back down to the starting position slowly and repeat this exercise several times. This exercise is great for targeting your shoulder muscles, triceps, chest, and core muscles.

5. Pull-ups

Next, pull-ups are another great calisthenics exercise for improving shoulder strength. To do this exercise, hang from a bar using an overhand grip, with your palms facing away from you. Then, slowly and steadily squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull yourself up until the top of your chest reaches the bar. Lower yourself back down and repeat several times. This exercise is great for targeting the muscles in your upper body like shoulders, triceps, biceps, and lats.

6. Sprints

Finally, sprints are another great calisthenics exercise that can help you improve shoulder strength. To do this exercise correctly, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart and arms bent at a 90-degree angle in front of you like you’re running. Then, take off as fast as possible, using only the power of your legs and arms to move forward quickly. As you keep running, make sure to swing your arms up and down vigorously while keeping them close to your body. This exercise is great for strengthening not only the shoulders but also other upper body muscles like the triceps and biceps.

Can anyone do calisthenics?

Yes, calisthenics can be done by anyone. It’s a great way to improve strength and fitness without the use of any equipment and all that is needed is your body weight. You may also want to consider adding some stretching exercises into your workout routine for improved flexibility in addition to building shoulder strength. Static stretches such as shoulder rotations or arm circles are particularly beneficial if you want longer-lasting muscle tone and more range of motion in your shoulders. Stretching regularly can help reduce any tightness or soreness that may occur after calisthenics exercises.

Calisthenics exercises are an excellent way to build muscle and increase overall strength without needing any specialized equipment. Incorporating the exercises above into your workout routine will help you improve shoulder strength and stability, as well as strengthen other muscles in the upper body for improved overall health and fitness. Give them a try today!